Building Management (part 7 of 7)



  • Make a list of capital items the church needs. This list should encompass all ministry areas and range from small amounts to very large amounts. Update the list every year, make the list dynamic, and make sure every item on the list supports the vision of the church.
  • Publish the list and make it available to everyone. It will help members know that the leadership wants to invest in the facilities everyone uses. There is a chance someone will offer to pay for an item that appeals to them.
  • Another source of capital is to use any funds left over at the end of a fiscal year. Sometimes churches have more receipts and expenses. Use those funds for capital investment needs and let the church know how the money was used and how good the building is looking now.
  • Some items are so expensive and/or extensive that funding must be done over several years. Just continue to fund the project, and don’t quit halfway.
  • Put “eyes” on your list: itemize (make a list), categorize (group them), analyze (decide why this is a need), monetize (guesstimate the cost), prioritize (rank it on the list), publicize (tell people), review-ize (update the list each year), and thank you-ize (tell people when things are completed).


Lead On!
