Cash Balance Sheet

Cash is King. Especially in non-profits. I’ve spent too many hours trying to get CPAs to understand that in non-profit accounting, there is no need for the balance sheet to list fixed assets, pre-paid expenses, depreciation (in any of its myriad forms), and other forms of for-profit accounting. Sometimes the CPAs get it and follow my lead. Other times they are so entrenched in their methods that they can’t think outside the AICPA lines.


A cash balance sheet means that the only thing on the asset side is your cash and where it is located (E.g., “Main Checking-1st National Bank….$47,738.83”). This is known has “how much money do you actually have available to you as of the date of the balance sheet.


And, please, please, please include ALL your accounts at ALL your financial institutions. I’ve worked with too many churches who tell me they’ve listed everything only to learn later that there is a discretionary fund, an endowment fund, a benevolence fund, etc. that someone doesn’t want others to know about. That is being dishonest – plain and simple. You’re not revealing the whole truth because someone doesn’t trust others. That is wrong.


The other side of the balance sheet is divided in two:

  • How much of the cash you have is encumbered for others?
    • What are your payroll liabilities (money you’ve withheld from employees which you’re going to send to the Federal and State tax authorities, to the employees’ retirement, health or life insurance, or other benefits. That money isn’t yours; you’re just holding it for a little while.
    • The other “liability” is commonly known as restricted funds. Again, this money isn’t yours, you’re just holding it until it is used for the purpose that the donor gave it for. That may be for the music program, for a building campaign, or for benevolence. Whatever it is for, you MUST use it for that purpose and nothing else unless the donor gives you written permission.
  • How much of the cash you have is “left over?”
    • That leftover is known as retained earnings or net assets. That money is truly under the full authority and control of the governing body of the church whether that is elders or the congregation.

A cash balance is simple and that’s the way it should be for churches. You want a document that is clear enough so that a non-accountant can understand it after a 5-10 minute explanation. If you have to go longer, then people are going to think you’re hiding something – and you just might be. Keeping it simple keeps it honest.

Lead On!



  1. Steve,
    How should Endowment funds that are invested in the market be included on the balance sheet – basis when donated or current Fair Market Value?

    • Always use the current value. You and your board/decision-makers need to know how much is available.
      And every Endowment should have three guiding documents: Gift Acceptance Policy, Investment Policy, and Spending Policy.
      All are available (for free) at my webstore:
      Thanks for the question.