www.churchbestpractices.org is now entirely FREE.
This is a website where I have posted scores of free documents, manuals, spreadsheets, etc. Over the 25 plus years that I’ve been a church administrator, I’ve created docs at all the churches I’ve worked at and now I’m sharing all those for free.
If you need a doc that isn’t in there, please let me know and I’ve probably got something I can get you or create pretty easily. Let me know via email.
In the meantime, download some or all of these documents. My request is this: if you find that these are really helpful to you, then please buy a gift card at the website ($25, $50, or $100) for however much you think it helped you. Donations such as these help me stay afloat financially.
Lead On!
www.churchbestpractices.org – all kinds of FREE church manuals and sample documents
www.financeforchurches.org – 400 plus blogs on every church administration topic you can think of