- A file server is the main computer in an office which stores the central files/database and software that an organization uses. These servers cost several thousand dollars and last about five years. You no longer need a file server.
- Instead, you can use software such as Dropbox, Google Drive, and Microsoft One to keep your files in a cloud-based storage center. Most of your programs (word processing, spreadsheets, accounting, and church management systems) can be run online eliminating the need to buy software and update it regularly.
- These files are pretty safe from hackers and ransomware since you’re using the resources of major companies such as Microsoft and Google. They want to keep the trust of their clients so they go to great lengths to protect all their files.
- Work with your IT guru to see how you can save money by centralizing your database and programs online. Many of these programs can be accessed through your smartphone or tablet from which you can forward the document or take a screenshot and share the image.
- If you need to buy software, use a company called TechSoup. They sell name brand software to nonprofits for 10% to 25% of the original cost.
Lead On!
www.churchbestpractices.org – all kinds of FREE church manuals and sample documents
www.financeforchurches.org – 400 plus blogs on every church administration topic you can think of