Chart of Accounts (part 1 of 4)

A chart of accounts (CoA) is the road map in accounting. It makes processing payments and receipts, creating reports, extracting information, and so many others things much easier. There are several well-established rules for creating a chart of … [Continue reading]

Who Taught Daniel?

In the Old Testament book of Daniel, there is a story in the first chapter is pretty well-known. After Jerusalem fell to King Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel and his three friends are taken to Babylon because they were the brightest young Jewish men. Babylon … [Continue reading]


Churches are struggling to attract young people. I’ve seen dozens of churches look at this and most of them throw up their hands and do nothing because they don’t know what to do. There are two sides to this, kind of a “chicken and egg” … [Continue reading]

Church Cuts

Churches spend money on three things Staffing: church personnel form the heart and brains in leading the work of the church If you cut staff, you may need to replace with untrained volunteers Buildings are the skin and skeleton of the … [Continue reading]

Software Packages

Membership & Financials There are two big companies are Shelby Systems and ACS. These are very robust financial/accounting systems and a very strong membership/people module. The contributions module in the Membership section posts gift info … [Continue reading]

Church Software

This is from an email I received: “I belong to a small church and we are looking to update our software. Can you recommend software that is membership/financial based for churches?”   My reply: Your church size is a big factor - the … [Continue reading]

The New Age of Résumés

Second career-seekers are sending out their résumés and making some mistakes. Here are some that I’ve caught. Please be careful with the content of what you say about yourself but also about the formatting. Formatting can tell a lot about you, … [Continue reading]

1.5% Rule for Building Maintenance Budgets

Maintaining church buildings is expensive. And every year presents known and unknown expenses. Here's a rule of thumb for determining how much to budget: put into the annual budget 1.5% of the replacement value of your buildings. If your buildings … [Continue reading]