Deal with things once Paperwork, personnel issues, complaints, and so many other things are easy to put off. Instead of delaying, deal with them once and for all. Just do it. Touch a piece of paper one time – answer it, throw it away, or file it. … [Continue reading]
Advice for Experienced Leaders
Value Training, Be a Mentor New and young leaders need someone to teach them how to be a wise and good leader. Experienced leaders must share their knowledge, experience, and expertise with the next generation. And the best way to do this is one on … [Continue reading]
Tools for Your Staff
One of my favorite sayings is that all staff members need proper tools to do the jobs you’ve asked them to do. And then I follow up by saying that if I don’t give you the tools to do a job, shame on me. But if I do give you the tools and you don’t do … [Continue reading]
Steve’s Sayings
Pick and choose your battles (my mom said that first) The single best piece of advice I've ever received (thanks, Mom). Not everything is worth fighting over. Decide ahead of time where you'll put your energy, time, and knowledge. Decide what is … [Continue reading]
David & Solomon: Setting Up Your Successor For Success
David ruled Israel from 1000-960 BC and his son, Solomon, ruled from 960-920 BC. David was Israel’s greatest king: he unified the country, defeated the Philistine threat, built major civic projects and palaces, and prepared the way (and supplies) for … [Continue reading]
Be a Leader, Not a Manager
The church today doesn’t need any more managers. Over the past few decades the church has had people who cared for and made sure the current plans were set in place and funded. These are managers. Frankly, most pastors and church staff are managers … [Continue reading]
IRS Forms 8941 and 990-T
Under the 2010 Obamacare law, the US Government is giving money to small businesses, including churches. Form 8941 and Form 990--T enable small employers to get money based on the number of FTEs (full-time equivalent employees) if that number is less … [Continue reading]
Fiscal Year
What should be a church’s fiscal year: The calendar year or some other 12-month time period? There isn’t a right or wrong answer; just find an answer that works best in your context. Second, there are pros and cons to having a calendar-year or … [Continue reading]