QR codes are free. Get a QR code for your webpage for online giving. Print the QR code in every week's bulletin and remind people they can give online by scanning the QR code in the bulletin. Keep the CR code in the same place in the bulletin so … [Continue reading]
Left-Shoulder Giving
The blog post “Bell Curves and Giving” discusses the average age of your givers and shows that donors in their 50s are the single largest contributors to churches and non-profits. That is the age range on which churches most rely to support their … [Continue reading]
Revenue Projections Spreadsheet
Projecting church gifts is difficult but not impossible. If you have a few years of giving history and a good spreadsheet, you can get a pretty accurate forecast of how much a church will receive in a current fiscal year with a high degree of … [Continue reading]
Decision-Making Committees and Working Teams
Churches need to differentiate between committees and teams. Most churches have one or the other but in reality they have both. However, they don’t distinguish between the two whereas I think there is a difference. Committees Committees make … [Continue reading]
Last Will & Testament of Churches
Does your church have a will? What will happen to the church when the time comes to close the doors? No one wants to think about that; it’s too emotional. After all, this is the building where you were married, your children were baptized, your dad’s … [Continue reading]
The Best Shredders for Churches
The Best Shredders for Churches Every office likes to have shredders. The finance office needs to shred sensitive financial files or personnel records; a counseling minister may need to get rid of confidential files; an administrative assistant … [Continue reading]
Financial Statements – Statement of Receipts & Expenses (Part 3)
Part 3: Expenses Expenses are the longest section of an R&E statement. It is typically divided in ministry departments according to how the church staff and programs are structured. Ideally, this part of the financial statements has an … [Continue reading]
Financial Statements – Statement of Receipts & Expenses (Part 2)
Part 2: Receipts or Revenue or Income The section listing receipts is always first in the R&E Statement and it is usually one of the smallest. There are several factors to consider as this section is made: There should be one line for … [Continue reading]