Pedophiles in the Church

Schools and churches were cited by Richard Hammar (THE guru of church legal and tax stuff) as the last places that pedophiles could hope to enter without being screened. Well, the school door is now closed - virtually every school screens anyone who … [Continue reading]


Most congregations have some form of tellers that count the Sunday offerings. There are no regular patterns: some count on Monday, some on Sunday some count during the service, some count after worship some copy checks, some write down all … [Continue reading]

1Q2012 Statement of Contribution

One quarter of 2012 is almost over so you need to prepare now to send out your first quarterly contribution statement of the year. Some churches send out statements only once a year - let me encourage you to send out statements each quarter plus one … [Continue reading]

Two Cool Solutions

[guestpost]This blog was written by my wonderful wife, Jennifer, and I asked if I could post it under her byline. These two products, DropBox and CrashPlan, are cool apps for church IT. Check them out.[/guestpost] I'm no expert on IT issues, but … [Continue reading]

Outrageous Generosity

Generosity is one of my favorite words because it so describes God's nature. Actually, outrageous generosity is a much better descriptor. Think about - humans have offended and humiliated God in every possible way yet his response is pure love. … [Continue reading]

Jesus, I’ve Got Your Ass

As they approached Jerusalem and came to Bethphage on the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two disciples, saying to them, “Go to the village ahead of you, and at once you will find a donkey tied there, with her colt by her. Untie them and bring them to … [Continue reading]

New Year’s Letter

I've got a job for the leader of your faith community: write a letter to your congregation about your dreams for 2012. Technically it is not a "New Year's Resolution" letter but it is a letter about your hopes and vision for the church for the new … [Continue reading]

Leadership and Followship

Recently I came across a couple of really good articles on leadership: Leadership in Church: Oh, those are sticky wickets to address but every single one of them is a potential … [Continue reading]