Safety Officers

Just over three years ago I established the Safety Officer Team at my church. No one asked me to do this, I realized the need for this after reading an article about the number of shooting deaths in churches. From 1999 to 2007, 41 people died in … [Continue reading]

Employer FICA is Illegal for Ordained Ministers

  Last week a colleague at another church and I had an email exchange that might be of value to you. The question was whether ordained ministers should have the employer's portion FICA paid by their church (NO!). The underlying issue is bigger … [Continue reading]

Budget Percentages

Below is a recent email exchange with a friend of mine (names omitted).   Email Question: I have a church that wants help examining their budget allocations by categories: missions, personnel, programs, etc. They want to look at similar size … [Continue reading]

Church Insurance

On 9/11/2001, the insurance industry took the largest hit ever - over $40 billion dollars in claims - as a result of the terrorist attacks on the twin towers, the Pentagon and the planes. The insurance industry raised their premiums in an effort to … [Continue reading]

9/11 – 10 Years Later is on a Sunday

This year the anniversary of 9/11/2001 is on a Sunday. Churches will be filled with people as on every Sunday and many churches will make note of the sacrifices of the people working in the Trade Center Towers, the Pentagon, and the four airplanes. … [Continue reading]

Capital Budgeting

The List Every church needs more money for it's capital projects. Oh, I presume that you have a list of capital needs which means you've already done a study of them. If not, here's what you need to do: Itemize Make a list of every thing you … [Continue reading]

The Shadow

  Going to conferences is fun – you get to travel, stay in nice hotels (with comfy beds, hopefully), eat out, and meet old and new friends. I like going to conferences – I plan to continue to go to conferences. However, conferences lack … [Continue reading]

Training and Conferences

Training is underrated in most church office venues. I think that most churches don't want to spend the money on doing the training when it is incredibly beneficial. Every year I attend a national conference of my peers and I learn so much at each … [Continue reading]