Telling Stories

Here are two secrets - people that give money to churches and other non-profit organizations really, really want to know what their money was used for. AND, if you tell them and it is a compelling and life-changing story, they'll give you more … [Continue reading]

Financial Statements – Balance Sheet

This is a pure accounting post - fair warning. The balance sheet is a snapshot of your organization's financial status at one specific moment in time, usually the end of the month for public purposes but it can be produced for any date of the … [Continue reading]


I maintain my HVAC (heating, venting, and air conditioning) equipment in as good an operating condition as I possibly can, but that doesn't stop thermo-wars: people sitting next to each other where one is wrapped in a sweater and the other person is … [Continue reading]


Heating and air conditioning are HUGE consumers of a church's budget - somewhere in the 5% to 10% range depending on the energy efficiencies of the buildings. There are direct costs to buy and install the equipment, to pay the electric and gas bills, … [Continue reading]

10 Ways for a Church to Have More Money, Guaranteed (part 2 – getting money)

There are two different ways for a church (or any organization) to have more money: spend less and receive more. I want to give five ideas in each category that every church should implement so they can have more money to spend on their God-given … [Continue reading]

10 Ways for a Church to Have More Money, Guaranteed (part 1 – saving money)

There are two different ways for a church (or any organization) to have more money: spend less and receive more. I want to give five ideas in each category that every church should implement so they can have more money to spend on their God-given … [Continue reading]

Safety and Security

Last weekend I handled a credible death threat to one of our ministers - this was a first for me. The good news is that everything that I had put in place several years ago worked. The minister and family were well protected and all are safe. The … [Continue reading]

Audacious Leadership

I read this post Christmas 2010. It is an outstanding example of leading a church - the church didn't know where it was going but the pastor/leader pointed the way and the members got behind it. What David Platt did with his church is not just … [Continue reading]