Years ago a survey said the number one thing church guests remember about their first visit was (drum roll, please), the landscaping. That’s right – the church lawn. Not the sermon or the greeters but something most members take for granted (until … [Continue reading]
First Impressions – part three (and last)
This is a list of physical first impressions. There are whole books devoted to the Sunday morning volunteers. Let me give a brief list of these “personal” first impressions: Your website was created by people for people. Make sure it is saying … [Continue reading]
First Impressions – part two
Lawn care o Is your grass cut and leaves raked on Thursday or Friday, especially during your growing season? Do your trees have mulch beds? Every three months, walk the entire church grounds with your lawn care provider – let him know your … [Continue reading]
Photos on Websites
Okay, I'm not a Web guru - far, far from it. But I keep getting asked this question, "What is a policy or guideline for churches regarding posting pics on their Websites and other communications materials?" Here's my answer: I don’t have a policy … [Continue reading]
Financial Leadership Mistakes Churches Make
Low Expectations of members - Are people living up to our low expectations? How high do churches set the bar or are we just too scared that people will go away? In reality, people are more willing to live up to higher standards if they know what they … [Continue reading]
Email to a Colleague at my Church
I thought I'd share an email to a fellow minister. My goal is to get ministers and members to think "outside the financial box" and think if new ways to get money for church needs, especially capital needs. For a couple months I’ve heard you all … [Continue reading]
Six Generations In Church – Part 2
The trend is for each successive generation to want to be more actively involved and see tangible results. They want control over when, where, and how each dollar is spent. Younger generations want to know, see and touch where their monies are go AND … [Continue reading]
Six Generations in Church – part 1
Due to increased longevity of our populations, churches have six generations alive at the same time and actively involved. Churches must deal with six different attitudes toward architecture, furniture, expectations of staff, worship styles, what to … [Continue reading]