In part one, I recapped an excellent Ted Talk by Simon Sinek. (please stop now and watch it to more fully understand this post). Nehemiah is a quintessential Old Testament leader. Upon hearing of the status of the protective walls and … [Continue reading]
Nehemiah Answers Simon Sinek (part 1 of 2)

In September 2009, Simon Sinek recorded the third most watched Ted Talk (you should have Ted Talks in your podcast list). It is only 18 minutes long. It is impactful. It points to a different kind of leader, an inspirational leader. The … [Continue reading]
Employees Should Pay for Benefits with Non-Taxable Dollars

The rule of thumb is that you always want to pay for benefits with non-taxable dollars. If you pay for them with taxable dollars, then when you get the benefit, you have to pay taxes on that benefit. Taxes on premiums are always cheaper than taxes on … [Continue reading]
Jesus as a 12 Year Old Boy

Luke 2:41-52 New International Version Every year Jesus’ parents went to Jerusalem for the Festival of the Passover. When he was twelve years old, they went up to the festival, according to the custom. After the festival was over, while his parents … [Continue reading]
Overtime Laws

On December 1, 2016 new overtime (OT) rules as approved by the US Department of Labor go into effect. Actually, most of the overtime laws are over 30 years old. In May 2016 the DoL altered one major component of the OT laws but almost everything else … [Continue reading]
Admins as Notaries Public
Periodically church members will need documents to be notarized. This notarization may be for a document required to participate in a church event or even for a private need. FYI, all banks have notary public and people can get a doc … [Continue reading]
Walking Away from Tense Situations

Church staff face uncomfortable personal encounters frequently. These meetings may be with guests, members, and other staff members. Some of these meetings may get heated – emotions may run high and the tension escalates. It is at this point there is … [Continue reading]
Dummy Plates on Outside Door Locks

Every church wants to have a balance between the safety and security of the people inside the building (staff, guests, children in a daycare, etc.) while still being open and welcoming to first-timers and people needing assistance. The … [Continue reading]