Monthly Internal Audit Checks

I encourage all my clients to have an annual audit. You can find reasonably priced audit firms who will also provide assistance throughout the year with tricky questions. In addition, I encourage my clients to have an Internal Auditor, typically … [Continue reading]

Church Safety, Security, and Emergency Procedures (part 4 of 5)

Emergency Procedures In the event of a building emergency or natural disaster, having clear emergency procedures in place adds a layer of security to an organization and peace of mind to its members. Outside evacuation (in case of fire, gas … [Continue reading]

Wills for New Parents

My wife and I have had two babies. All that we thought about for months and even years was having enough diapers on hand and getting enough sleep. Seems like we constantly ran out of both. New parents are usually overwhelmed with all the needs and … [Continue reading]

Church Safety, Security, and Emergency Procedures (part 3 of 5)

Security Security should exist in several layers, and it involves personnel. Consistent people acting in consistent ways and using consistent procedures builds trust and security within an organization. Innermost layer: Teachers in each … [Continue reading]

Signs from God

Throughout my life I’ve asked God for signs: what job to take, what woman to date, where to go to school, what house to buy, etc. You probably have done the same. But as I read the Bible, I notice something interesting: almost every “sign from God” … [Continue reading]

Church Safety, Security, and Emergency Procedures (part 2 of 5)

Safety Safety measures are most effective when several layers exist (overlapping systems which support each other). Note: Using the term “safety” more often than the word “security” is wise, because “safety” has a positive connotation; “security” … [Continue reading]

Budget Categories

Church budgets have only three categories: buildings, staffing, and programming. The following analogy is not exact (no analogy is) but is useful for illustrative purposes. Buildings are the skeleton of a church Facilities and grounds contain … [Continue reading]

Church Safety, Security, and Emergency Procedures (part 1 of 5)

Safety and security policies are critical in the church. Establishing and following these procedures will: Take steps toward protecting people (especially children) from people intending to do harm to others, Take preventative steps toward … [Continue reading]