Have weekly walk-arounds The administrator and custodian(s) should walk around the facilities regularly. Walking around is a great way to see what needs doing, and it lets the staff know you don’t live in your office. Showing things to a … [Continue reading]
10 Financial Ratios (part 8 of 10)

Receipts & Expenses: Ratio of Actual to Budget Definition: Divide actual receipts and expenses to the budgeted figure Results: Annual receipts should be between 95%-100% of the budget goal Annual expenses must never exceed the annual … [Continue reading]
Advent & the Church (part 2 of 4)

Advent means “the arrival of a notable thing, event, or person.” Christians celebrate the arrival of Christ – and that requires us humans to get ready during the weeks before Christmas. The church has several major purposes: discipleship … [Continue reading]
Church Custodial Management (part 3 of 10)
Meetings Keep the custodians informed. After all, they are some of the most visible members of a church staff and can answer questions about meeting locations. Helping in this way will help the ministers and administrative assistants who would … [Continue reading]
10 Financial Ratios (part 7 of 10)
Designated Funds Definition: The major ministry areas should have at least half their annual budget in a fund designated for their ministry. These major ministry areas are: Worship & Music, Care & Fellowship, Discipleship & Education, … [Continue reading]
Advent & the Church (part 1 of 4)

Advent means “the arrival of a notable thing, event, or person.” Christians celebrate the arrival of Christ – and that requires us humans to get ready during the weeks before Christmas. The church has five major purposes: discipleship … [Continue reading]
Church Custodial Management (part 2 of 10)

Give tools & equipment & training A church is responsible for providing its custodians with all tools necessary to do his/her job. A custodian cannot be expected to perform duties well without the necessary tools, resources, and … [Continue reading]
10 Financial Ratios (part 6 of 10)
Cash Reserves to Annual Budget Definition: Divide Total Unrestricted Cash Reserves by Annual Budget Unrestricted cash reserves are also known as Net Cash Assets Unrestricted cash reserves do not include donor designated funds, only monies … [Continue reading]