Financial Office Contact Info

What is the email address for your Finance Office? Too many times churches use the name(s) of staff. It’s good and necessary for your Finance Office staff to have an email address for their professional needs. However, your Finance Office needs a … [Continue reading]

Monthly Employee Meetings

Every employee must know on a monthly basis how she or he is performing according to the supervisor. Saving all the info and “dumping” on the employee at the annual meeting is unfair to the employee, the supervisor, and the organization. Monthly … [Continue reading]

Email Address Format

The format for email addresses for most companies is However, many churches use the format and that leads to some interesting combinations. Here are some that I’ve collected over the … [Continue reading]

Video Inventory

If you pick up a church building and shake it, what falls out? Inventory. Everything that can be moved or removed from a church is inventory and all inventory should be documented. I’ve done inventory counts several times and several ways … [Continue reading]

Was Isaac Mentally Challenged?

In his book How Good Do We Have to Be? Harold Kushner writes (pages 73-74): “I confess that I have never liked or understood the story in chapter 22 of the Book of Genesis, where God commands Abraham to sacrifice his son, Isaac, born to him after … [Continue reading]

Staff Members’ Meeting on the Church’s Nickel

I received the following question: “Our church budgets $100 per month for meals for ministers. Is it allowable for our pastor and worship director go out to lunch each week for a planning session and have the church pay for both meals every … [Continue reading]

Life-Changing Benevolence

Traditional Benevolence: the church is a collection point for charitable items such as food, clothing, household items, and money to help with other items such as rent and medical expenses. Church members should be encouraged to be generous with … [Continue reading]

How to Use a Cab – for the Ride of Your Life (part 3 of 3)

  Be nice to the cab driver Wherever you find yourself, always, always, always look for ways to help people. No one will ever condemn you for being nice (and if they do, it says more about them than about you). Speak kind words – thank … [Continue reading]