Asbestos and Lead Paint

In the 1970s the US Congress outlawed the use of asbestos and paint containing lead. However, they let construction companies use up the available stockpiles but no further manufacturing was permitted. This means that any building built since about … [Continue reading]

Sabbaticals and Jubilee Years for Churches?

In Leviticus 25, Moses receives farming instructions from God: ‘When you enter the land I am going to give you, the land itself must observe a Sabbath to the Lord. For six years sow your fields, and for six years prune your vineyards and gather … [Continue reading]


Stop doing things “because we’ve always done it that way.” Instead, be intentional – about everything. Have a good, solid reason as to why a church does everything. I’ve worked with too many churches who are just repeating what they’ve done in … [Continue reading]

Overtime Law

The US Department of Labor says that employees are classified as exempt from overtime (cannot get OT) or non-exempt (are eligible for OT). Exempt employees are classified as such because they earn over a certain amount AND have decision-making … [Continue reading]

Your Debris Field

In June 2011 I went with a church group to Oneonta, Alabama. In April, just two months before, a massive tornado system decimated homes and lives throughout north central Alabama. Our goal was to frame up a house in one week and we did, even though … [Continue reading]

God Inspires

Children playing with clay make snakes, horses, fish, and other creatures – it’s fun and easy. In Genesis, God does the same thing when creating humanity from the dust of the earth. But there comes a point when God does what we can’t: “God formed man … [Continue reading]

A Prayer for Wisdom, Patience, & Courage

What do you pray for yourself? That may sound selfish but it all depends on your motives. There are the three things I pray for myself (and for others). Wisdom o   I pray to know what to say and what not to say. What to do and what not to do. … [Continue reading]

Slate Roofs

This is not a post about what kind of roofs you should or should not have. It is a post about what I learned over the years about slate roofs. Always consult your architect about what kind of roof is appropriate for your structures and what the pros … [Continue reading]