Stained Glass Windows

Stained glass windows were the original Bible texts for millions of illiterate people in Europe. By “reading” the windows they learned the stories of Jesus’ life and miracles. Stained glass windows are usually very beautiful and expensive to make … [Continue reading]

Toilet Heights

Almost 20 years ago, Isabel McCormack told me that when I renovated the bathrooms near her Sunday School Class that I must put in only handicap height toilets even though they cost more. I thought about it and did what she said – Isabel always made … [Continue reading]

$10 Million Estate

The Last Will & Testament of Bill & Melinda Gates is not a public document. However, some information about it is public such as the vast majority of their estate will go to their foundation. There is speculation that their three children … [Continue reading]

When Should a Pastor Search Team Disband?

Pastor-Search Committees have a very hard job. In just a few months, they are charged with going through the five stages of grief as the pastor leaves (even when it is a contentious departure, people still grieve a loss) determine what is the … [Continue reading]

The Immediate

Western civilization, especially the United States, is an immediate culture. Since WWII, we have wanted things faster and better (and cheaper). If we’re not satisfied with the immediate, then we’ll move on without waiting to see if the intended … [Continue reading]

Interim Executive Administrator

When a pastor leaves a mid-size or larger church, the pastor vacates three critical roles (and a myriad of smaller ones): the primary preacher, the chief of staff, and the staff person who coordinates the decision-making bodies of the church. Below … [Continue reading]

Creativity Within Boundaries

In beginning: God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. God saw … [Continue reading]

Church Budgets: Top 10 List (part 2 of 2)

[See last week's post for part 1.] 6. What are the percentages that should be used as a rule of thumb? A church spends money on three things and the rule of thumb is that you should spend the following ranges on each of these … [Continue reading]