How do you act when you’re treated like a servant? Too often I don’t react well. People ask me to do this, they complain about that, and they want me to take care of something else. They treat me like a servant. Well, I am a servant, so I should … [Continue reading]
Missional – Institutional
All churches start with the passion of a person or group of people. They are excited about the opportunities and sometimes approach the impossible with a can-do attitude. They face lots of problems and often overcome them. This is the “Missional … [Continue reading]
Judges 21:25
In those days there was no king in Israel; all the people did what was right in their own eyes. (NRSV) The book of Judges picks up from where Joshua left off: in Joshua we read about the invasion of the Promised Land, pitched battles for Jericho, Ai … [Continue reading]
Urgent vs. Important
There’s already been a lot written about “urgent versus important” as a management tool. I’m sure I’ll repeat some things, but they bear repeating. Some consultants advise using a JoHari Window to help manage the important and … [Continue reading]
Jesus and Church Staff (Pharisees and Sadducees)
Look it up – the ONLY people whom Jesus ever criticized were church staff (that would be the Pharisees and Sadducees during Jesus’ life on earth). He never laid low anyone else, but he really came down hard on the Temple leaders. He wasn’t even … [Continue reading]
Decision-making Questions
Gray areas are dangerous territory. When something is not clear cut and no easy decision can be made, it is a gray area. To help navigate those gray areas, ask yourself several questions: What is the upside versus the downside of doing or not … [Continue reading]
Standing Rubble (part 2)
In my last post, I wrote about Solomon’s Temple, Herod’s Temple, and the First Church of Jerusalem as the three greatest structures in ancient Judaism and early Christianity. These buildings helped shape Judaism and Christianity, and they became … [Continue reading]
Standing Rubble (part 1)
David, King of Israel from (1,000 to 960 BC) really, really wanted to build the temple but God said that David had too much blood on his hands from his battles with the Philistines. Instead, the job was given to his son, Solomon, who built an … [Continue reading]