Several years ago one of my former bosses told me during the interview process that he doesn't get worried when he sees staff members talking in the halls of the church offices. He gets worried when he doesn't hear them laughing. There is a LOT of … [Continue reading]
Adults Have Wallets
Several years ago my wife worked for a pastor in North Atlanta. The church grew incredibly fast: in a few years it went from a couple of hundred people to over a thousand. The growth was because it was the only Baptist church in an area of Atltanta … [Continue reading]
Offerings are to many worship leaders one of the most awkward times of a service. So, they fill it with special music to distract people from the passing offering plate. I regret that. I'd like to offer a different way of viewing the offering time … [Continue reading]
Executive Leadership
The adult Bible study class I lead is going through Joshua - we study a book of the Bible verse by verse and chapter by chapter. It's a lot of fun leading a very discussion oriented class. We just began Joshua. In Joshua 2.1, "Then Joshua secretly … [Continue reading]
IRS Baptist Church
In August 2004, Hurricane Ivan hit Pensacola, Florida and caused massive devastation. First Baptist Church of Pensacola suffered damage as did many other churches. At some point in the storm, the "F" and "T" of "First" fell off giving the church a … [Continue reading]
A Bad Funeral
This happened this week - there is no moral to the story. It's just one of the many things that happen in church life that are hard to believe. As is their custom, the ministers drove their own car and led the hearse and other funeral procession … [Continue reading]
My Favorite Fundraiser
This story happened in the mid-1980s somewhere in South Carolina. A friend whose parents witnessed the event told their son who told me. It is the most amazing church fundraising story I've ever heard. It seems that a small church wanted to raise … [Continue reading]
Church Office Life Stories
I've got a great idea for a sitcom - church office life. Problem is that I could collect all these stories and try to sell them to Hollywood but Hollywood would never believe these actually happened. So I'm going to share with my readers (all two, so … [Continue reading]