Joe was considered to be your average church member in terms of financial assets but everyone knew that Joe loved his church. A few months after Joe died, the church learned that not only had Joe remembered his church in his will, but he was … [Continue reading]
A Request for Your Generosity

It costs me about $750 a year to run my two websites: and I used to charge for my materials but I've decided to give away my materials for free and rely on your generosity. Many of you have … [Continue reading]
Bequest Stories #3 – Long-Time Coming
Mrs. Dawson was in her 90s when she died. She left her church and a local university each 40% of her $4.5 million estate (which was invested 100% in Coca Cola stock and was worth double that just a few years before – there’s a lesson in fund … [Continue reading]
Bequest Stories #2 – Max $1 Million
Mr. Beeson was a generous man. When he died in 1990, he gave money to a seminary in his hometown of Birmingham (Beeson Divinity School), to Asbury Theological Seminary in Kentucky, and to his church. He gave his Birmingham church $20 million and said … [Continue reading]
Bequest Stories #1 – The Flowery Hand from the Grave
Years ago a lady who lived on the outskirts of Atlanta included her church in her will. She left the church her home and two acres. The lady loved flowers and her will’s instructions were that the annual money from the bequest investments was to … [Continue reading]
The Executor
My office door was always open and several LOLs (little old ladies) would sit in my office talking with me while I worked. Phyllis had no family except for two basset hounds. She used her church friends to the point where they were tired of helping … [Continue reading]
End of Calendar Year Gifts
When it comes to end of year, you need to have careful attention to some details: What is the date on the check?When did it come into the possession of the church?When did it cease to be in the possession of the donor?If it was mailed, what is the … [Continue reading]
Special Offerings for Specific Needs
Churches can have up to four special offerings for missions and other causes in a year - any more than that and it begins to affect the contributions to the ministry/operating budget of the church. Here are some ways to have special offerings that … [Continue reading]