Church Custodial Management (part 1 of 10)

Hire well The most important part of managing a custodial staff is to hire well. Hire for attitude, not aptitude. You can train a willing, cooperative person to have better skills, but a person’s attitudes are nearly impossible to … [Continue reading]

10 Financial Ratios (part 5 of 10)

Debt to Cash in Bank Definition: Total amount of debt divided by average 3 month bank balance Results Minimum: Not to exceed 4:1 which means you have at least one-fourth of your debt in cash on hand Optimum: Less than 3:1 which means your … [Continue reading]

10 Financial Ratios (part 4 of 10)

Budget percentages Definition: determine what percent of your annual budget goes to the three categories of church expenses Building: utilities, building & grounds maintenance and improvements, building insurance, debt payments, and … [Continue reading]

10 Financial Ratios (part 3 of 10)

 Giving Per Adult Per Week Definition: Divide weekly budget receipts by total Sunday worship attendance Results: Minimum: $30 per person per week for a low-end sustainable ministry Optimum: $40-$55 per person per week for growing … [Continue reading]

10 Financial Ratios (part 2 of 10)

Donor Giving Curve Definition: gather 52 weeks’ of donors’ budget gifts and the ages of the donors; add the donors’ gifts into 10-year age brackets; plot the gift totals on a graph. Results Your bell curve should peak with the 50-59 age … [Continue reading]

10 Financial Ratios (part 1 of 10)

Debt to Budget Ratio Definition: Total Debt divided by Total Annual Budget Results Maximum: Less than 200% Optimum: Less than 100% Consequences: The higher the ratio the less financial margin you have. Churches must have margin to … [Continue reading]

Strangling Termites

An Alabama termite inspector told me that Alabama has three termite colonies per acre. And that a termite can travel up to a quarter mile to find moist wood – it’s only necessary source of food, water and wood. And termites are devastating – a colony … [Continue reading]

How to Use Paper Towels

I really like the Purell hand sanitizers because they dispense “juice” without touching anything. By not touching anything you minimize the spread of germs. But Purell is expensive so it is typically used in critical areas (think, babies) while … [Continue reading]