Church Custodial Management (part 8 of 10)

2014 12-December 27 (2164) Barcelona; Nave of the Sagrada Familia with windows over entrances

Create spreadsheets (part 1 of 2)

  • Make a series of continually updated documents which contain a wealth of information and which are tools for the administrator, administrative assistants, and custodians.
  • The cleaning and room setup and teardown spreadsheets will list the amount of time it takes to do a specific task.
    • This information can be used to determine how many custodians you need on a regular basis. I suggest planning to use about 85-90% of a custodian’s time for the regular items and leave about 10-15% for special setups or unforeseen events.
    • This data can be used in performance evaluations of the custodians.
    • This data is also helpful in explaining to committees why the church needs the number of custodians it does.


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Church Custodial Management (part 7 of 10)

Create room layout templates to be used with room requests

  • Have a graphic designer create a page with various room setups, and label each setup.
  • That page should be available online and in the office so that anyone who asks for a room can also select the appropriate arrangement of tables and chairs to meet their needs.
  • The size of the layout will be determined by the number of people attending the event (which should also be a question in the online room request form), so the custodians can work their magic in getting the right number of tables and chairs to match the chosen layout.
  • Some of the various layout options are:
    • Solid square
    • Open square
    • U-shape
    • Lecture style with tables
    • Lecture style with just chairs
    • Circle
    • No chairs or tables


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Church Custodial Management (part 6 of 10)


Establish online room requests

  • Work with your website guru to develop a registration page for room requests.
  • Everyone (staff person, member, outsider, etc.) must complete a room request online to ask for a room.
  • Upon hitting “submit,” emails are generated and sent to the appropriate staff person(s) and back to the person making the request.
  • This system creates an electronic paper trail, and it also creates a document which can be used in doing the room setup.


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Church Custodial Management (part 5 of 10)


Make custodians responsible for specific areas (this is only if you have more than one custodian in your church)

  • There is a debate about whether custodians are responsible for the entire building or specific areas. They actually are responsible for both.
  • Custodians should be responsible for specific areas for cleanliness and room setups and tear-downs. As a matter of week-to-week practice, custodians should focus on their part of the building for regular activities.
  • Custodians should be available and willing to help each other in major setups and tear-downs which are beyond their specific area of responsibility but are part of the entire building.
  • Custodians should help each other with major cleaning projects and still have time to take care of their particular part of the facilities.


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Church Custodial Management (part 4 of 10)

2014 12-December 24 (668) Rome; Pantheon early morning

Have weekly walk-arounds

  • The administrator and custodian(s) should walk around the facilities regularly. Walking around is a great way to see what needs doing, and it lets the staff know you don’t live in your office.
  • Showing things to a custodian helps him or her know what you’re seeing and what they need to do about the item in question.
  • Keep a list (mental or in writing) of things you noted on the walk-around and follow-up on them at the next walk-around.


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Church Custodial Management (part 3 of 10)

2014 12-December 27 (2135) Barcelona; Nave of the Sagrada Familia


  • Keep the custodians informed. After all, they are some of the most visible members of a church staff and can answer questions about meeting locations. Helping in this way will help the ministers and administrative assistants who would otherwise have to answer these questions.
  • Meet with the custodial staff at least every other week to go over the upcoming calendar regarding out-of-the-ordinary events.
  • Use the meeting time to set high expectations for all areas they are responsible for. If you set low expectations, people will live down to them.


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Church Custodial Management (part 2 of 10)

2014 12-December 27 (2120) Barcelona; Nave of the Sagrada Familia

Give tools & equipment & training

  • A church is responsible for providing its custodians with all tools necessary to do his/her job. A custodian cannot be expected to perform duties well without the necessary tools, resources, and training.
  • Encourage the custodians to wear out a machine before it rusts out. Challenge them to really use up a piece of equipment by using it heavily.
  • Training is one of the most valuable and most overlooked tools for custodians. They need cleaning supplies and equipment, but they can also benefit a great deal by being trained in good and new techniques.


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Church Custodial Management (part 1 of 10)

Hire well

  • The most important part of managing a custodial staff is to hire well.
  • Hire for attitude, not aptitude. You can train a willing, cooperative person to have better skills, but a person’s attitudes are nearly impossible to change.
  • While custodians are not highly paid, there are numerous benefits the church can provide to them:
    • Clothing: the church can buy uniforms so they don’t have to spend money on work clothes
    • Meals: Wednesday suppers can be provided at no cost to the custodial staff, and often there are enough leftovers from other meals during the week to feed custodians and many other staff members
    • Benevolence: when a custodian has a large medical, housing, or other need, the church can step in and help take care of all or part of that need. It will engender loyalty on the part of the custodian and depending on how it is handled, it might not be taxable to the custodian.

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