Issues to address immediately: Online giving – if you don’t have it, get it now. My currently preferred vendor is Tithely. They can get you set up in a few hours (they say they can do it in minutes but…). Then, promote the heck out of your … [Continue reading]
An Expensive Football

Years ago my church had an auction to raise money for a summer missions trip for the youth. It was a big event – it took two days to stage, the youth were waiters, we had a professional auctioneer (he donated his services), it was an event! One of … [Continue reading]

When I was a poor college student I had barely enough to get by. I certainly didn’t have any money to tithe. And when the offering plate was passed, I wanted to give but I couldn’t. I had no financial margin in my life. One Sunday morning I walked … [Continue reading]
Fixed Assets

I take these off every balance sheet I possibly can. There is no reason for a church (or any other non-profit) to track their fixed assets (land, buildings, and furnishings). CPAs will tell you these must be included on a balance sheet and that is … [Continue reading]
Cash Balance Sheet

Cash is King. Especially in non-profits. I’ve spent too many hours trying to get CPAs to understand that in non-profit accounting, there is no need for the balance sheet to list fixed assets, pre-paid expenses, depreciation (in any of its myriad … [Continue reading]
Columbarium – Part 6: Moving?
One of the serious considerations that each church faced was moving the columbarium should the church ever relocate and the property be sold. As cities and suburbs change, churches wax and wane; some are closed for good and some move to a new … [Continue reading]
Columbarium – Part 5: Extra Info
I kept 2-3 urns in my office for quick access and so I didn’t have to get one right away when someone died. Don’t let families go buy their own urns – they may not fit. I also had 3-5 niche face plates in my office. When someone died, I took the … [Continue reading]
Columbarium – Part 4: Where to Put It
I’ve led in the construction of two columbaria, one at a Baptist church and another at a Presbyterian church. There was no denominational difference. Our respective goal was to honor the saints and provide a place of sanctuary for people visiting … [Continue reading]